How to Safely Find Relief from Suicidal Thoughts

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How to Safely Find Relief from Suicidal Thoughts

When you’re struggling with suicidal thoughts, you need help immediately. At Owl & Eagle Health and Wellness, serving patients in Golden and Greenwood Village, Colorado, we understand the urgency and are here to provide safe, compassionate care. 

Our team is dedicated to helping you through this difficult time with a variety of treatments designed to offer long-term relief.

Understanding suicidal thoughts

Suicidal thoughts can be overwhelming. Dealing with suicidal thoughts can leave you feeling isolated, hopeless, and desperate. 

It's important to recognize that these feelings aren’t your fault, and they’re not a sign of weakness. They’re a sign from your body that you need help. 

We often tell our patients that the first step in finding relief is acknowledging that they deserve support and the second is realizing that help is available. 

Immediate relief options

At Owl & Eagle Health and Wellness, we offer several effective treatments for immediate relief, including: 

Ketamine-assisted therapy

Ketamine-assisted therapy involves infusions of a safe, FDA-approved drug that can offer powerful rapid relief of suicidal thoughts. Traditional antidepressants may take weeks to start working, but ketamine’s effects can kick in within hours. 

It works on important brain neurotransmitters, particularly glutamate, to help repair broken brain pathways and forge new connections within the brain. Essentially, ketamine can help you replace bad thought patterns with healthier ones. 

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

TMS uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain, which in turn relieves symptoms of depression and suicidal thoughts. 

Although experts are still determining exactly why TMS is so effective, it’s clear that the magnetic pulses help regulate dysfunctional brain activity.

Long-term support and management

While immediate relief is vital, addressing the underlying issues is critical for long-term mental wellness. We don’t stop at fast relief: We provide comprehensive support to help foster a lasting recovery.


In psychotherapy, you work with one of our trained therapists to explore the root causes of your suicidal thoughts. Coping strategies and other means of suicidal thought management help you build resilience for the long term.  

Psychiatric medication management

In many cases, immediate relief methods combined with medication management offer the best results. We monitor your progress and make changes as needed. 

Support network

We work with you to build a support network. As your mental health specialists, we’re part of that network, alongside friends, family, support groups, and other resources. 

Sharing your feelings with people you trust can help lighten your load, so it’s important to know you always have someone to turn to when you’re struggling. Your support network also includes a safety plan for emergency contacts when you’re in a mental health crisis. 

You don’t have to face suicidal thoughts alone

If you or someone you know is having serious thoughts of suicide, such as thoughts of how you might do it, thoughts of how you would make arrangements for pets or belongings, or intent to act upon these thoughts, that is an emergency. Please call 988 or go to your nearest emergency room.

If you are having passive thoughts that it would be better to not exist, or that people in your life would be better off without you, or you have fleeting thoughts about suicide but you are not making plans and you do not feel in danger of acting on your thoughts, we can help. 

We offer empathetic, affirming care in a nonjudgmental atmosphere. Both telehealth and office visits are available, so don’t wait.

Call our office or connect with our team online to book your appointment now. Together, we can find a path to relief and recovery.