Obsessed with Healthy Food? You May Be Dealing with Orthorexia

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Obsessed with Healthy Food? You May Be Dealing with Orthorexia

At Owl & Eagle Health and Wellness, serving Golden and Greenwood Village, Colorado, we understand the importance of healthy eating. It’s great to be mindful of what you consume, but could your focus on clean eating actually be harmful? In this blog, we explore an eating disorder that affects more people than you might realize: orthorexia. 

When healthy eating becomes unhealthy

You already know how important a balanced diet is for your whole-person wellness. But the line between being health-conscious and developing an obsession with healthy eating may sometimes grow razor-thin. 

The term orthorexia, coined in 1997 by Dr. Steven Bratman, refers to an unhealthy fixation on only eating foods that are “clean” or healthy. 

Orthorexia signs and symptoms

How do you know if your dedication to healthy eating has crossed into orthorexic territory? Sometimes it can be hard to recognize the problem yourself. 

Other people, like your loved ones or friends, might be the first ones to voice concern. Some of the things to watch for are: 

Laser focus on food

People struggling with orthorexia spend a great deal of time thinking about eating, formulating menus, calculating nutrients, and researching how to eat even healthier. 

Personal standards for healthy eating may grow higher and higher over time until it feels nearly impossible to eat anything without questioning it. 

Lots of time alone

An extreme commitment to healthy eating often negatively impacts family and social life. Maybe you avoid going out to eat with other people who don't accept or relate to your eating habits. 

Perhaps you find it too challenging to be around other people because they ask questions about your carefully curated diet and appear judgmental. This can ultimately lead to withdrawing from other people and spending a lot of time with the only person you feel will understand: yourself.

Emotional strain

With orthorexia, it’s common to experience extreme emotional strain. Feelings of anxiety, fear, guilt, and shame are all common. You may feel constantly on edge, unable to remember what it felt like to eat normally. 

Struggling? We can help

Orthorexia can erode your happiness, harm your relationships, and even hurt your health if left unchecked. At Owl & Eagle Health and Wellness, we believe in promoting a holistic approach to health, focusing on fostering emotional well-being and healing your relationship with food. 

We can help you recover and reclaim your life, so don’t wait to reach out to our empathetic specialists. Call our office or request your office visit or telehealth appointment online today. We’re here to help you and look forward to supporting you as you heal.